We have been offering Computer Basics for everyone, we just finished one week course for SIDO Food Processing Entrepreneurs. The class started on 16th through 20th April, 2018. On the first day, they thought it is very basic course but as days keep moving they were very excited and interested about Computer class which they find themselves getting more knowledge and skills as they are actually applying it directly to their business. Each day they wanted to extend time more.

They are now able to make Invoices, Receipts etc by themselves for their businesses, all this happened for only one week. Congratulations for great work on Computer and food processing projects too. At the last day together with SIDO staff we provided Certificates, where Mr Sung Soo Kim from E3empower and SIDO Regional Manager attended the closing ceremony.

Thank you SIDO for conducting the class for us and all the entrepreneurs who attended. Mary did a great job Instructing for all week, supported by Andrew. We are looking forward for more opportunities and empowering different entrepreneurs through Computer. Anyone is welcome, we are open (from Monday-Friday, 08:00am-05:00pm) for our office too which is located at Summit Center, Block A 4th Floor.